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founder psychology

Navigating the entrepreneurial journey can be a mental maze. Explore our Founder Psychology series to understand the unique challenges and circumstances that come with the territory.

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Sanity Notes #033: One thing at a time

When making your way through anything difficult, focus on the next right step

Sanity Notes #033: One thing at a time
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Sanity Notes #030- Assuming the best of our partners

The moment your co-founder, teammate, or romantic partner frustrates you the most may be the moment of greatest opportunity

Sanity Notes #030- Assuming the best of our partners
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Sanity Notes #029- Depression as data

Anxiety, depression, and anger come for us all. Consider looking at the experience as an indication of what is missing.

Sanity Notes #029- Depression as data
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Sanity Notes #027 - The power of 'we'

Next time you feel stuck wondering how you'll figuring out, try asking how 'we' will figure it out.

Sanity Notes #027 - The power of 'we'
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The cost of beating ourselves up when we fail

Change is hard. Being our own harshest critics does not help.

The cost of beating ourselves up when we fail
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Sanity Notes #010- Rethinking ambition

How to navigate the tension between reaching high and living a more content life.

Sanity Notes #010- Rethinking ambition
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Sanity Notes #008- The power of a shitty first draft

Feeling like you always have to get it right the first time? You are not alone.

Sanity Notes #008- The power of a shitty first draft
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Sanity Notes #007: Consider grading yourself on a curve

If you are anything like me, comparing yourself to others can be crippling to ease and motivation. Consider employing a curve.

Sanity Notes #007: Consider grading yourself on a curve
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Sanity Notes #006: Going gently into the new year

The new year is a great time to reset. Applying some self-compassion might help.

Sanity Notes #006: Going gently into the new year
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Sanity Notes #005: Leveraging fear as a friend

Finding yourself suffering from those 3 AM founder wakeups? Here are a few thoughts on leveraging that fear and getting back to sleep.

Sanity Notes #005: Leveraging fear as a friend