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Honest Leaders Who Tweet

Welcome to Honest Leaders Who Tweet (#HLWT), an experiment in authentic tweeting from Sanity Labs.

Up for sharing your learnings with a global audience of founders and CEOs? You have come to the right place. 🤗

Here is how it works:

  1. #HLWT is invite-only. If you found this page, you have likely been invited!
  2. The mission if #HLWT  is to normalize the human journey of leading and investing in companies.
  3. Should you choose to accept this mission 🙃, please take five minutes to complete the Typeform interview below.
  4. Our team will format your responses into a Twitter thread and share the thread to our 20k+ audience of founders and CEOs. (We'll provide you a link to share to your followers as well.)
  5. The result? We all feel a little less alone in the hard parts. Both our audiences get to learn from some of your insights. And we work together to build a community of like-minded founders, leaders, and investors.  

Ready? Let's go!