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The magic your meetings are missing

Leverage the power of check-ins to level-up meetings and bring your team closer

The magic your meetings are missing
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How to build a great startup board (hint: your board is not your boss)

How to turn your board into your greatest ally, get more support, feel less alone, and do your damn job.

How to build a great startup board (hint: your board is not your boss)
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A powerful morning practice for imperfect leaders

In 2014, I was facing the loss of a child, a messy divorce, and single-parenthood while leading a fast-growing company. This is the morning routine that helped get me through. It has served me to this day.

A powerful morning practice for imperfect leaders
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Why CEOs should work 40-hour weeks

If the data is correct, you are not doing yourself any favors by grinding it out after 5 o'clock.

Why CEOs should work 40-hour weeks
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Distraction is Killing Your Business (and stealing your joy)

Startup folk are renowned for geeking out on productivity hacks and innovating on the future of work. But most miss the easiest gain of all.

Distraction is Killing Your Business (and stealing your joy)
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I am a professional CEO coach. And sometimes I lose my shit too.

A lot of CEO’s I work with carry questions of self-worth. This morning, I found the same questions exploding in my own head. Here is my effort in my own journal to coach myself back to center.

I am a professional CEO coach. And sometimes I lose my shit too.
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This Question Unlocked My Life's Purpose

I thought it was going to be just another casual meetup with a friend for Saturday brunch. But that ended up being the morning I discovered my life’s mission. And it has changed everything. Here’s the question that changed it all.

This Question Unlocked My Life's Purpose
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Are You Valuable if You Don't Get Shit Done?

This time of isolation and slowness has me facing a lifelong message I carry: that my value is tied to my productivity. If I work hard and have output to show for it, I matter and deserve to exist. That message no longer serves me. It might not be serving you either.

Are You Valuable if You Don't Get Shit Done?
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Handling Layoffs with Grace

In 2016, we laid off 80% of our staff. The remaining team stuck together, scaled the business, and sold it three years later. Here's how we got through the layoffs and how you can too.

Handling Layoffs with Grace
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The Weightiness Every Leader Knows

You aren't alone. One of the defining experiences of being a startup founder was the heaviness I carried at every waking hour. And I see and hear it in every other founder I speak with.

The Weightiness Every Leader Knows