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Ever wondered how we do things at Sanity Labs? Get an inside look at our methods and discover how coaching can help you overcome obstacles and reach your full potential.

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Why I’ve Decided to Start Coaching Startup Leaders

I spent 7 years running my last venture-backed startup. I don’t know if I would have survived without the help of the leadership coaches who came alongside me and helped me transform the way I understood the role of a leader. The work changed me as a person, as

Why I’ve Decided to Start Coaching Startup Leaders
Members Public

The Hardest and Most Important Change You Can Make as a CEO

Tears rolled down my face. I walked down Sandhill Road next to the famous venture capitalist who only days earlier had handed me a generous term sheet. Now, I was telling her my life was falling apart and explaining why she’d likely want to pull the term sheet and work with someone else.

The Hardest and Most Important Change You Can Make as a CEO