silicon valley
Why CEOs should work 40-hour weeks
If the data is correct, you are not doing yourself any favors by grinding it out after 5 o'clock.

The Weightiness Every Leader Knows
You aren't alone. One of the defining experiences of being a startup founder was the heaviness I carried at every waking hour. And I see and hear it in every other founder I speak with.

The Away Debacle: Is Judgment the Answer?
While the leaders are culpable, might our mob mentality reaction be inhibiting us from changing the systemic issues that encourage this kind of behavior?

Can an Entrepreneur Have a Creative Life?
A few months ago, I was walking into my office and felt overwhelmed with a sense of anxiety and dread. A realization hit me. The building that was supposed to be my ‘place’ for creative work had become anything but. 7 years in, I’d lost the creative spark of my work entirely. And I wanted it back.

Why I Might Never Start Another Company
As I’ve begun to look into the abyss of what might be next, I am realizing there is no way to find my way to a real answer of the work that is mine to do without casting off this identity and these assumptions.