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Sanity Notes #019: A blessing for leaders who self-criticize

If you are anything like me as a leader, you are your own harshest critic. Here is a blessing just for you.

Matt Munson
Matt Munson
2 min read
Sanity Notes #019: A blessing for leaders who self-criticize
A blessing for leaders who self-criticize 
Looking for some support? If now is the time to consider coaching (or a CEO peer circle) reach out here.

You feel you need to struggle, to strive, to worry.

But you don't.

You fear you are not enough.

But you are completeness incarnate.

You fear you have nothing of value, or perfect "enough," to offer the world. But the universe is waiting to offer exactly what is needed through you.

You need only be awake and paying attention.

All that you desire be true is already true.

You yearn for more friends so you might feel more connected. But all there is is connection. You are already connected to all things.

The myth is that there is any separateness at all.

You want to be of service to others, to have your work impact the world, so that you can feel helpful and worthy. But you were born with complete worth.

The myth is that your worthiness could be ever diminished or that any other being might hold some judgment on you that could somehow cast a shadow on your perfection.

You are beautiful, lovely, and complete.

All the world needs of you is the completeness of you: the offering of your true and open self.

You forget too easily; it is not what you possess or the things you do or don't do, it is your being in the world. The way you are present or not present with those in front of you.  It is that you hold them or you do not, that you are space for them or you are not.

And even in that awakening, you might come to see you cannot fail nor fall off your path.

You are hard-wired to a path of becoming the person you are meant to be. The person this world needs you to be.

You suffer because you tell yourself lies or entertain the lies of others. But when you slow down and pay attention, you cannot avoid the truth. That you are complete, lovely, worthy, of service, and exactly where you are meant to be.

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Looking for some support? If now is the time to consider coaching (or a CEO peer circle) reach out here.
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