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founder burnout

Feel like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? You're not alone, and there's a way out. Dive into our Founder Burnout series to discover how you can find relief and inspiration.

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How to navigate founder burnout

An honest account of my own journey through founder burnout and what I have learned from coaching others.

How to navigate founder burnout
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Sanity Notes #005: Leveraging fear as a friend

Finding yourself suffering from those 3 AM founder wakeups? Here are a few thoughts on leveraging that fear and getting back to sleep.

Sanity Notes #005: Leveraging fear as a friend
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The ubiquity of self-criticism among leaders

Wondering if someone else might be better at your job than you are? You are not alone.

The ubiquity of self-criticism among leaders
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The biggest mistake founders make in designing their lives

My own miscalculation of this one element is my greatest regret looking back on my time as a founder and CEO.

The biggest mistake founders make in designing their lives
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What if my startup fails?

How to navigate the fear every founder has but nobody talks about.

What if my startup fails?
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The power of negative visualizations

A simple addition to your morning routine to help fight founder-burnout and improve resiliency

The power of negative visualizations
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What entrepreneurs can learn from professional poker players

A mental model for reducing self-criticism and becoming a more effective leader

What entrepreneurs can learn from professional poker players
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How to make friends as a founder

Founder burnout, depression, and loneliness are rampant. Too many founders struggle in isolation. Let's bring that to an end.

How to make friends as a founder