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Why we all fight with our partners (and what to do about it)

Find yourself in a difficult exchange with your romantic partner, co-founder, or friend? You aren’t alone.

Why we all fight with our partners (and what to do about it)
Members Public

Sanity Notes #033: One thing at a time

When making your way through anything difficult, focus on the next right step

Sanity Notes #033: One thing at a time
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Sanity Notes #032: When anxiety strikes, remember your birthright

How to reconnect with ease when stress or anxiety hit hard

Sanity Notes #032: When anxiety strikes, remember your birthright
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Sanity Notes #029- Depression as data

Anxiety, depression, and anger come for us all. Consider looking at the experience as an indication of what is missing.

Sanity Notes #029- Depression as data
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Sanity Notes #022- The power of belonging

The desire to belong drives much of our behavior as humans. How might awareness of that drive inform your approach as a leader?

Sanity Notes #022- The power of belonging
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Sanity Notes #021- Navigating loss from the right side of the road

Every challenge, every loss, can be viewed from one side of the road or another. Some honest thoughts from my own recent loss.

Sanity Notes #021- Navigating loss from the right side of the road
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Sanity Notes #017: Accepting the fear

Most of our suffering is a result of fear of what could happen. Much of that suffering you can opt out of.

Sanity Notes #017: Accepting the fear
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Sanity Notes #014: How to stop drowning and get in the boat

How to help yourself escape the waves of chaos that entrepreneurship can bring.

Sanity Notes #014: How to stop drowning and get in the boat
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The cost of beating ourselves up when we fail

Change is hard. Being our own harshest critics does not help.

The cost of beating ourselves up when we fail
Members Public

For real leaders, dependency is not a dirty word

We have glamorized the solo, impervious leader at our own peril. Real strength comes from reliance on others.

For real leaders, dependency is not a dirty word