Leading isn't one-size-fits-all. In our Leadership series, we explore how you can lead in your own authentic way, embracing your identity as a founder. Because every founder is unique.
Sanity Notes #034: Why questions matter more than answers
For as long as I can remember, I have had the feeling of carrying heavy questions. But the way I understand those questions has changed entirely.
Stop giving feedback. Do this instead.
How to help your team improve without sacrificing connectedness
Sanity Notes #027 - The power of 'we'
Next time you feel stuck wondering how you'll figuring out, try asking how 'we' will figure it out.
Sanity Notes #024- What conversation is waiting to be had?
One of the most expensive forms of procrastination I witness as a coach is the avoidance of hard conversations.
Sanity Notes #022- The power of belonging
The desire to belong drives much of our behavior as humans. How might awareness of that drive inform your approach as a leader?
The values we ought to leave behind
It is time to re-think what we celebrate in our own leadership styles and the cultures of the companies we build.
Sanity Notes #006: Going gently into the new year
The new year is a great time to reset. Applying some self-compassion might help.
Sanity Notes #004: The power of meeting others where they are
Finding yourself wishing your co-founders, employees, or investors would change? Start with accepting them where they are.
Sanity Notes #003 : Your metrics are not your worth.
This is a good year to remember that the top-level metrics of your company are not the measure of your worth as a leader.
Sanity Notes #002 : What if you could not fail?
How might you be free to lead and create if your own sense of self was not on the line?