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Sanity Notes #003 : Your metrics are not your worth.

This is a good year to remember that the top-level metrics of your company are not the measure of your worth as a leader.

Matt Munson
Matt Munson
2 min read
Sanity Notes #003 : Your metrics are not your worth.

This is a good year to remember that the top-level metrics of your company are not the measure of your worth as a leader.

A leader's worth is derived by her achieving the following:

  • Holding the vision
  • Caring for the team
  • Resourcing that team in whatever way is necessary or possible

If your team is clear on the work at hand, if they have held onto their north star in these turbulent waters, if you are caring for them as humans, and if you are doing the best you can to ensure they are resourced through these turbulent times, you are doing your job.

Whether a new funding round is closing or not, you are doing your job.

Whether or not revenue is growing this year, you are doing your job.

Whether your board is ecstatic about the results or anxious, you are doing your job.

Take care of yourself. Take care of your people.

This storm too shall pass.

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With love from LA,


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