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self worth

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Sanity Notes #036: The risks of owning my enoughness

Stepping into responsibility for my life

Sanity Notes #036: The risks of owning my enoughness
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Sanity Notes #035: Stop robbing the world of your voice

That voice in your head is a liar; on owning your voice and offering your gift to the world

Sanity Notes #035: Stop robbing the world of your voice
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Why we all fight with our partners (and what to do about it)

Find yourself in a difficult exchange with your romantic partner, co-founder, or friend? You aren’t alone.

Why we all fight with our partners (and what to do about it)
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The cost of beating ourselves up when we fail

Change is hard. Being our own harshest critics does not help.

The cost of beating ourselves up when we fail
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I am a professional CEO coach. And sometimes I lose my shit too.

A lot of CEO’s I work with carry questions of self-worth. This morning, I found the same questions exploding in my own head. Here is my effort in my own journal to coach myself back to center.

I am a professional CEO coach. And sometimes I lose my shit too.